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Developers can make their projects more sustainable by using local suppliers and materials, the Federation of Master Builders has advised.

Brian Berry, spokesperson for the organisation explained this approach not only benefited local trades but also helped the environment.

By making small pockets of housing, builders were working “in a way that has been done for hundreds of years in this country,” he said.

“That to me is much more sustainable, because they’re employing local people, not traveling huge distances, and where possible using local building materials.”

He acknowledged that flat pack housing, similar to the Ikea designs unveiled in Gateshead, had some benefit to the housing problem, however he went on to explain they were only a “temporary solution”.

“I suppose one problem is about how you’re transporting these flat packs across the whole country – that rather defeats the whole purpose of reducing carbon emissions,” he commented.

Having accepted the need to use sustainable materials, developers are now looking at micro-generation technology to help offset energy costs.

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