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Kitt in 2022 – Providing solutions for shifting expectations of the workplace

The past 24 months have completely shaken up the commercial real estate industry for both businesses and landlords alike. Hybrid working is now fully embedded into our everyday working lives and as a result, the focus has shifted to the specifics of what businesses and teams actually want and need from an office space.

Tenants are calling the shots and are on the hunt for more flexible terms, an elevated service and spaces that are bespoke to their brand.

As we jump into 2022, landlords arguably face their biggest challenge yet – how to capture the attention of businesses, delight them and convince them that their space is the one to commit to. To do this, they will be forced to pivot and adapt, and 2022 provides a fresh start to do so.


The “where” of working has become less important than the “why”. The pandemic has given people the time to reflect and re-examine their lives and as a result, the office has become less of a physical space and more a broad set of values. Business leaders have recognised that to attract diverse talent, a flexible approach to work where employees can make meaningful connections is now what is needed.

The office of 2022 needs to encapsulate these changing attitudes, working styles and personalised preferences that have been formed over the last 24 months and give room for self-growth  and collaboration – this can then lead to improved productivity, job satisfaction and staff retention.


We’re witnessing a definitive move away from average lease lengths of 10 years for most. Businesses can’t plan in the same way that they used to, and they’re now looking for shorter, more flexible leases that don’t require as much commitment.

They are also looking for a more streamlined experience. The current real-estate transaction is complex and time consuming, with business leaders having to deal with over 80 suppliers. 2022 will bring the need for a full service offering with a bespoke experience from finding and designing the perfect space, to handling legal agreements and managing all suppliers. This gives business leaders their time back to focus on what’s important.



Kitt is a full-service office platform that finds, designs, fits out and manages office space, taking the pain away from businesses. Our spaces are designed to elevate the brand, culture and productivity of teams, whilst removing the hassle of managing real estate.

Our mission is to put customers at the heart of commercial real estate by bringing together all of the elements of a typically fragmented process into one service, for one simple monthly price.

Our approach has enabled companies to control and configure their space to their exact needs. In a hybrid environment, this empowers companies to use space to elevate their culture, collaboration and productivity which we believe will become the future of workspace.

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Kitt in 2022 – Providing solutions for shifting expectations of the workplace

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