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Mental health in the workplace

With the awareness of mental health becoming greater, more and more employers are reviewing their activities in this area although many employers are still struggling to implement effective mental health and well-being strategies. According to the charity ‘Mind’ right now 1 in 6 workers are dealing with a mental health problem such as Anxiety, depression or stress.

Working at DeVono has its many benefits and the staff perks are definitely up there; the top one is that we receive private healthcare which of course covers a fair amount but sticking along the mental health route – we can obtain counselling through this, another added bonus is being entered with Vitality through this scheme you can grab yourself an Apple watch which rewards you with money off depending how much exercise you do.  When it comes to well-being DeVono also have this covered, with the Regent Street card you are entitled to fitness sessions including yoga which take place during the day or after work. We have a fruit bowl constantly being topped up although once a month we do get provided with a lunch of our choice and this isn’t always healthy but it’s all about balance right?

What do other companies do?

Innocent Smoothies look after their staff as much as they look after their fruit: D They include a 100% confidential employee assistance programme which allows their staff to talk to someone 24 hours a day!

Iceland also offer their staff counselling, they believe that in order to serve their customers well their staff must be properly looked after – This logic makes great sense, if someone is happy especially in the work environment it will be recognised by the customer whether it be a smiley voice over the phone or a smiley face in person. Smiles are contagious!


Tips & Tricks to help the mind

Brain exercises help your mental health and fitness in the same way your body benefits from physical exercise for example if your body gets a low amount of physical activity you will start to feel lethargic and sluggish – the same happens with your brain. For most of us our routine is the same day in and day out and gives us a good reason to shake it up.  There are two parts in making an activity brain stimulating, it must be both novel and complex.

Exercising helps your mind to be at its mental best for now and also protects you against memory loss in the future.

Below is a list of benefits you can expect to receive, although you can’t expect to get all of this from any one activity.

– Less stress
– Better memory
– A more positive mood
– Increased focus and concentration
– Boosts motivation and productivity
– Fast thinking
– Greater self confidence

By doing brain exercises it has been proved that your overall intelligence could be improved.

Switching hands to your non-dominant hand results in increased brain activity and gives your brain a good workout.

Eating lunch with chopsticks will force you to eat mindfully which is good for your brain, digestion and calorie consumption.

Reading aloud engages the imagination in a different way. One of the earliest demonstrations of brain imaging clearly showed three distinct brain regions lighting up when the same word was read, spoken or heard.

Take a new route to work as being on an unfamiliar route activates the cortex and hippocampus. It has been said that Bill Gates would drive a different route on the way home from work each day to stimulate his brain as being on a routine commute gives your brain very little stimulation as you will often be on autopilot.

Try activities that simultaneously engage all your senses such as going to a food market where you can look, touch, and smell and taste the products, being sociable with people in these environments will also provide additional brain simulation.

Instead of scrolling through Instagram why not download a few of these apps to train your brain anywhere, although it is best not do to this before bed – the blue light will only affect your sleep.

– Lumosity
– Cognifit Brain Fitness
– Brain trainer special

If as the employer you are unsure where to begin, below are few useful links which will give you ideas on how to support your staff.

View the latest webinar from Mind below:

The below link is also a report from BBC News views on this topic.

Want to learn more about Wellness in the Workplace? Read our Wellness Revolution blog and to discuss any aspect of your commercial real estate strategy contact the team on 020 7096 9911 or

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