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Redefine and Refine Your Workplace Strategy For 2022

It feels likes déjà vu as we enter a new year with the cloud of Covid hanging over us, however 2022 genuinely holds greater optimism especially as businesses look to develop and deliver a workplace strategy that not only redefines the purpose of the office in the wake of the pandemic but creating a more refined version to truly encompass workforce expectations.

The stop-start nature of the past couple of years has meant that some workplace decision making was paused, holding out now is no longer an option for many. Now is the time to embed lessons learnt and develop out a workplace model not just for 2022, but the next five years. Future proofing a business and its operational model has become vital in these changing times, adopting a hybrid working model is one way which allows your office and workforce to adapt. In this blog, DeVono outline the key considerations should businesses be thinking of.



  • Establish a hybrid working policy – it is vital that everyone understand expectations and what hybrid means for your business
  • How do you use your space? – going hybrid may mean your space requirements change, ensure you know your numbers, who is in, how many, for how long are just some questions you should ask
  • Important of design and location – workers need to be lured back to the office from the comfort of their homes, give serious consideration of your office location, local amenities, and the design of your space
  • It’s good to talk – keeping the lines of communication with the workforce throughout the pandemic improved relationships, don’t let this drop off as workplace culture needs rebuilding and transparency and consultation will be key
  • Untap the potential of the remote workforce – equalise the communication between all staff which ever working model adopted, greater value has been realised in remote work



  • Re-define the purpose of your office – actively seek what your workforce needs to deliver a productive, efficient, and engaged workplace, remember its not necessarily 5 days a week
  • The needs of your future talent – the physical office remains important for nurturing the next generation. Who are they, where are they coming, what roles are they doing, what attracts them are all questions that can inform your strategy
  • Technology, the workplace leveller – Create a seamless user experience through technology. Harness the technology you already have, invest in the right products and don’t focus as much on what you don’t have
  • Be open to real estate change – How businesses use space is changing, this will greatly influence not just the type of space needed but how space is leased and for how long. A tendency to revert to previous should be resisted.
  • Fine tuning costs – Ensure that plans are fully costed and feasible at the start of any transformation, getting part way through and the budget is spent will only deliver disappointing results for all


There are a multitude of options at this point for business to consider in producing an evolving workplace model. Identify what is important to your business, your workforce, and its culture, and start from there. Get in touch if you would like the DeVono team to support you and your colleagues with creating and futureproofing a workplace strategy.

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Redefine and Refine Your Workplace Strategy For 2022

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