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A Guide To Retaining Employees Through Hybrid Working

Most people are familiar with the term ‘hybrid working’, a flexible model that combines remote and office work. Whilst hybrid working was a luxury pre Covid, many people now consider it a requirement when job hunting.

The hybrid model has reshaped the workplace, forcing businesses to change their policies and evolve with the demands of the current work climate.

So how can you, as a business, offer employees the freedom to work from home while maintaining some in-person collaboration?

From having a well-designed office to giving employees access to leading technology, we have uncovered various strategies to help you attract and retain talented and dedicated professionals, which, in turn, will propel your business forward.

Understanding Hybrid Working

woman working from home via video call

As mentioned, the hybrid working model combines working from home or remote space and office work.

Hybrid working has many benefits for employees; for example, it helps to increase their work-life balance and enhances productivity levels.

Employees have more flexibility regarding when and where they work, allowing for autonomy that encourages self-motivation and independent thought.

The hybrid model also gives staff the freedom to develop their skills.

All of the above are invaluable traits for forward-thinking businesses to have from their team.

Potential Benefits For A Company That Implements Hybrid Working

benefits of hybrid working

Below are some benefits your business may experience through implementing hybrid working.

Save money on office space

With your employees working remotely part of the time, you can reduce the physical workspace required, leading to lower rent and operational expenses.

More efficient use of time

Without daily commutes, your employees can allocate that saved time to work, resulting in increased output and better time management.

Also, travelling can be tiring, so your staff should feel more alert and productive because of their reduced commute.

Flexibility over employees’ working hours

While you may have core hours for collaboration and meetings, your employees can have more flexibility in choosing when to work, accommodating their individual preferences and peak productivity times.

Higher productivity

The flexibility and autonomy of hybrid working can effectively boost productivity.
Employees can focus on their tasks by eliminating distractions and creating personalised work environments, leading to higher efficiency and output.

Flexible vs Fixed Hybrid Working

working in a flexible office

In hybrid working, there are two main approaches: flexible and fixed. 

Flexible hybrid working allows employees to choose their office and remote work hours based on their preferences. 

Fixed hybrid working, on the other hand, is where the employer determines the balance between office and remote work. 

So, hybrid working or flexible working, which would suit your business better?

The flexible model empowers individuals, while the fixed model provides structure and consistency. The one you choose will depend on the nature of your employees’ jobs, industry, and organisational needs.

Increasing Employee Retention through Hybrid Working

happy employee working from home

If you’ve decided the hybrid model is for you but need help incorporating it into your business, follow the steps below.

Determine Your Workplace’s Hybrid Work Model

You should assess the needs and preferences of your employees to help you determine the most effective hybrid model for your workplace.

Conduct surveys, engage in open discussions, and actively seek feedback to gather valuable insights on your employees’ work habits, productivity preferences, and desired work-life balance.

Of course, you must ensure that your hybrid model considers your business’s needs.
Your hybrid model may look like this: Your employees spend three days working from home and two days in the office each week. This structure balances the advantages of remote work, such as reduced commuting time and increased focus, and the benefits of face-to-face collaboration, social interaction, and teamwork in an office setting.

This tailored approach will help you create a hybrid working policy that fosters productivity and employee satisfaction.

Ensure Employees Have Access To Top Technology

Your employees must have access to the technology required for hybrid working. This includes providing equipment such as laptops, software, and communication tools that enable seamless remote work.

Equipping your employees with reliable technology will enable them to stay connected, collaborate effectively, and maintain productivity regardless of location.

Additionally, consider offering a work-from-home allowance.

This allowance helps employees set up a productive remote work environment by covering expenses related to home office equipment, ergonomic furniture, high-speed internet, or other essential items.

Investing in up-to-date and appropriate technology and providing financial support demonstrates your commitment to enabling a comfortable and efficient remote work experience.

Encourage Constant Communication Between Employees

To help you bridge the gap between remote and in-office workers, foster a sense of unity, and encourage constant communication between employees.

Create a virtual communication culture. Provide guidelines on using various tools and platforms effectively. A strong team only exists if individuals engage in regular conversations, sharing updates and other essential information relating to the work environment.

You should prioritise video conferences and virtual meetings for essential discussions, team updates, and face-to-face interactions, such as one-to-ones.

Maintaining a sense of connection within your team is essential as it ensures everyone’s focus and goals are aligned.

Create An Inspiring Office Environment

If you want to encourage your employees to work in the office, or excite prospective employees about your hybrid model, ensure that your office is welcoming, supportive, and inspiring.

Creating a positive workplace culture starts with the design of the physical space. For example, communal areas, comfortable seating, breakout spaces, and open layouts encourage interaction and idea-sharing, helping motivate employees and enhance productivity.

Your office should bring your employees together, so organise training sessions to strengthen relationships further and boost engagement. Plan regular team-building exercises that encourage collaboration and problem-solving.

Don’t forget team-building activities and social events. Team-building days benefit employees and businesses, bringing the team together, increasing confidence, and boosting company culture.

Also, professionals considering working for a business that offers flexible working may be more inclined to work for you instead, where they will experience the best of both worlds.

Explore suitable London office spaces that align with your hybrid work policy to find the best office for your business.

Flexible and serviced office solutions accommodate the evolving needs of hybrid working. You have the flexibility to scale up and down when needed and won’t be tied into any long-term contracts.

Trust Your Workers

By offering a hybrid work environment, you demonstrate trust in your employees.

When you put your focus on outcomes rather than micromanagement, this empowers employees to take ownership of their tasks.

If you trust that they can manage their time and deliver quality work, regardless of location, they are likely to succeed, fostering good working relationships.

Now you understand the benefits of hybrid working and how you can effectively incorporate this model into your business.

Embracing remote and office working will help you retain valuable talent and contribute to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

If you’re looking for your perfect London office, contact us at DeVono.

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A Guide To Retaining Employees Through Hybrid Working

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